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How Governor Kathy Hochul Became The Most Unpopular Person In New York Overnight

How Governor Kathy Hochul Became The Most Unpopular Person In New York Overnight
New Yorkers have been mad about most politicians who get elected here, because they keep saying and doing bad and stupid things. So why do they keep getting elected?
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This month has not been kind to New York governor Kathy Hochul, and there's no one to blame but her.

First, on June 8, Hochul was bullied into overturning the upcoming congestion pricing toll in Manhattan, and then, on June 13, was criticized for thinking about possible face mask bans because of antisemitic protests, according to the New York Post.

Many New York politicians, both at the city and state level, have not been the brightest political servants, and among the few who thought they could translate local goodwill onto the national stage, nearly all have failed.

Everybody hates all of the elected officials from New York, it's astonishing! Hochul fits right in and joins the long list of Big Apple honchos who display the same repeated cycle of incompetence and are embarrassing to watch.

Do you know how hard it is to make Mayor Eric Adams not look like the worst person we've elected? Hochul is cruising to the title of "most hated governor" in my lifetime, and that's saying something because we all remember the fiascos of Andrew Cuomo.

People were out for blood a few weeks ago when word got out that Hochul had been lobbied hard on the congestion pricing policy, and once it was officially suspended, New Yorkers were beyond pissed.

That now means the MTA, which more than three million people use daily to get around in the city, might just crumble under its own weight.

I think I speak for everyone who uses, or has used, public transit in New York City when I say that this Onion headline will probably ring true for decades to come, because clearly the only people who seek to run for office in New York City are power hungry, craven, greedy sociopaths who seemingly can't govern or stop comparing themselves to Jesus Christ.

[Image credit: CBS New York/YouTube]


  1. Lee Waters 1 week ago

    n p it's as one-sided as, for example, an article in favor of the earth being round not flat, which is funny because there are about as many actual NYers against congestion pricing as there are flat earthers here. Get out of here with your made-up statistics. Have you ever even been to NYC?

    1. n p 1 week ago

      Do you know what the word supercilious means? Look in the mirror to find out. The latest Siena poll says 64% of New Yorkers oppose congestion pricing. By the way, I have lived in NYC probably twice as long as you've been alive.

  2. n p 1 week ago

    Well, a little one-sided, are we? I've been watching this issue and the comments from various websites and stories ever since it was introduced. The overwhelming response, as far as I can see, is that a majority of NYers, and probably 95% of drivers, are against congestion pricing, calling it a tax and a severe hardship. Drivers in particular loathe the idea. No indication of any of that here. Many people are actually praising Hochul for having the courage to decide that it would hurt people and economy.

  3. Steven Julty 1 week ago

    I second (former NYC mayor) Deblasio... nothing is THAT easy, it takes lots of work and consultation with many different departments AND the general public to come up with a comprehensive plan that makes sense. Congestion pricing can be likened to the beverage container law...That is to say, everyone complained about it at the start of its implementation but now, it's a way of life for New Yorkers. That .05 gets tacked onto the cost of a beer,or soda and look what has happened, anyone would be hard pressed to see an empty beverage container anywhere! This is good for the environment AND those who care to can rummage throug trash cans and bags seeking out cans and bottles as a way to make a few dollars. And we the beverage consuming public hardly feel the impact of an additional .05 on their purchases. Now, some would say to me that I wouldn't know about things such as a congestion pricing toll because I don;t own a vehicle. which is true,I don't. Congestion pricing IS A GOOD THING as it's nearly impossible to move around in NYC in a vehicle...LEAVE YOUR CARS AT HOME and embrace mass transit! Truck drivers making deliveries and Ubers/Lyft drivers in midtown will have to suck as it SHOULD be part of the cost of driving in this over congested city otherwise, LEAVE YOUR CAR AT HOME

  4. John Bell 1 week ago

    That does sound incompetent, but is New York ever happy with any of its politicians?

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