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My Ex-Wife Hates That I Reversed My Vasectomy, And More Of This Week’s Rocky Relationship Stories

My Ex-Wife Hates That I Reversed My Vasectomy, And More Of This Week’s Rocky Relationship Stories
A man struggles after his wife becomes a famous online streamer.
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The following relationship "advice" is purely satirical and meant for entertainment purposes only -- please do not cite us in divorce court.

Each week, we'll be rounding up the internet's most interesting relationship questions and chiming right in. From nightmare first dates to exploring new fetishes, we're leaving no corner of the internet unexplored.

My Girlfriend's A Top Streamer, And It's Causing Me To Glitch

[Image credit: Alena Darmel]

Hey everyone, I'm a 29M looking for some advice because I'm really struggling with my wife's growing popularity as a streamer. She's got around 200 daily viewers across Kick and Twitch, and her fans absolutely adore her. She's super engaging, and I love seeing her do something she's passionate about, but it's starting to feel really weird for me. Her fans are always commenting on how amazing she is, sending her gifts, and even trying to get personal with her, which makes me uncomfortable, even though she's never crossed any boundaries.

The part that's hitting me hard is the money. She's making way more than I do at my job, and while I'm incredibly proud of her success, it's stirring up a lot of insecurities. I'm feeling less confident and more like I'm not pulling my weight in our relationship. We've always been a team, but now it feels like she's the star player, and I'm just sitting on the bench.

I've tried talking to her about how I feel, but it's tough to explain without sounding like I'm jealous or unsupportive. She reassures me all the time, but the feelings just don't go away. It's like there's this constant pressure and comparison.

I really don't want to let my insecurities mess things up. Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How do you handle it when your partner's career takes off and yours doesn't? How can I be supportive without letting my own issues get in the way? Any tips or advice on managing these feelings and maintaining a healthy relationship would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You might just be infatuated with her success because it's all still mysterious to you right now. You've had your own career achievements, and if you wanted success via streaming, there's nothing stopping you. But think about it: have you ever dreamed of being a gaming streamer like her? Or, are you just jealous of her seeing her achieve those goals? Neither answer makes you a bad person, but you need to figure which path you're on. What do I want in this life, and what am I willing to do to get it? Be honest with yourself, and the answer will come. Remember, jealousy is a very natural feeling to have; it's how you handle it that defines your character. Read the rest of the thread here.

Is My Family Terrible At Taking Photos, Or Am I?

[Image credit: Alena Darmel]

I was taking pictures at a family wedding as a favor. I was being paid about half of what I normally charge and I was fine with it. The bride is my favorite cousin and her husband is amazing.

During the formals the wedding party was great and I got lots of great shots.

When it came time to take pictures of different family groups with the couple people were assholes. They wouldn't stop talking or looking away from the camera. I tried politely reminding everyone that the camera was the big black thing on the tripod and that it took still images not video. I was repeatedly told to shut up and stop being a smartass and that they knew what a camera was.

I asked my wife to record video of the responses for me.

My cousin was delighted with the pictures from the ceremony, the formals, and the reception. She laughed her ass off at the family pictures. In about half of them people are looking off in all directions instead of at the camera. In most of those there are also people with their mouths open.

She thought they were hilarious and her husband agreed.

I started getting shit on social media from my family about the terrible pictures. I replied that I had tried to explain to them that the camera was the big black thing on the tripod and that it only took still pictures. They said I should have waited for them to be ready. So I started posting the short video clips of people being jackasses towards me.

My mom said that I went to far and that they won't ask me to take pictures for them again. A did a fake cry and said boo hoo. She called me a smart Alec.

Please let me state that I do not think I am the asshole in this situation. But many people do. They are upset because they don't often dress up and get together and they didn't get good pictures.

Unless they were sick on every single picture day growing up, they shouldn't have been acting this way. I'm so glad you recorded those videos, I think it really gives you a strong case to stand on if someone tries to act funny with you later. I'm with you; they provoked you first and, in doing so, they were also coming after your livelihood. Also, who the hell isn't expecting candid pictures at a wedding? Seriously, by going to a wedding, you're agreeing to every double-chin, mouth-full-of-cake and mid-chew moment to be captured on film. I'm sure they're also just being drama queens, and don't know how to have a good laugh if both the bride and groom find it funny. Read the rest of the thread here.

My Ex-Wife Isn't Happy That I'm Going To Have Another Kid

[Image credit: Deon Black]

My ex-wife, Jen (38F) and I (42M) were married for 8 years before divorcing during the pandemic four years ago. We have two kids together (13M & 10F) who we share custody of and co-parent well together. At her suggestion, I got a vasectomy after our daughter was born. I got remarried about a year ago to my new wife, Cari (34F). Cari does not have kids but has always wanted a family. After many discussions prior to our engagement, I agreed to reverse my vasectomy to try to start a family with Cari. I had the reversal procedure done just after our wedding.

Cari and I found out about a month ago that she is pregnant. She is currently about 15-weeks. We have not told anyone about the pregnancy until recently. I wanted to wait until I had an opportunity to tell my kids in person that they are going to have a younger sibling. Now that they are done with school, I had that chance this past weekend.

Both of my kids were very excited and happy to hear the news. They get along great with Cari and are excited to have a new baby bro/sis. After I told the kids, they wanted to call their mom and tell her about it too. I was a little apprehensive because I didn't know how Jen would react and tried to convince them to let me tell her first, but my son ended up telling her via text before that.

Jen sent me a text a few minutes later basically asking me WTF I was thinking. I texted her back saying that I would prefer not to have this conversation over text and asked if she was free for a chat. She said she wasn't and sent a flurry of texts asking me a bunch of questions. I again told her I would prefer to have this conversation in person or on the phone.

She finally called me later that night and was not happy. She told me that I should have told her I reversed my vasectomy so that she could talk to our kids about it. I told her that my body and my life with Cari is not her business and that neither of our kids even know I had a vasectomy, let alone know what a vasectomy is. I've never told them I had one so why would I tell them I reversed it.

She told me that since this is going to have a huge impact on our kids' lives that I should have told her about it first. She said that it is her business when it will directly impact our kids. I told her that it is my body and that my health choices are of no concern to her anymore. The conversation started getting heated and I ended the call before things got too far.

Jen has since calmed down and did send a text congratulating me and Cari. But she still maintains that I should have notified her of my decision to reverse my vasectomy before things got to a point where Cari is pregnant. She thinks that she had a right to know since it will impact our kids.

I think she has no right to any information regarding what I decide to do with my body unless it is life-threatening. My marriage and life with Cari is not information that my ex-wife has any right to.

It was a poor initial response on her part, but I understand that she wasn't mentally prepared and probably wishes she had been. As co-parents, adding a new child into the mix is going to change things for everyone, including your girls. After that surprise text, she probably just feels left out, like everyone but her have already fit into this new family you're starting. I don't think it's about the vasectomy as much as it is about her wrapping her head around the changes that are going to happen. Going forward, I think you just need to reassure her that she will still be part of the family, and to a respectable degree, the new one you're building. Read the rest of the thread here.

Check out last week's edition here.

[Image credit: Dainis Graveris]


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